Make Every Piece Worth It

Protesi Capelli Prima a Dopo

Siete alla ricerca di ispirazione per la trasformazione dei capelli per i vostri clienti con problemi di perdita di capelli? Date un’occhiata alla nostra galleria di immagini prima e dopo che mostrano gli incredibili risultati della nostra protesi capelli da parte dello stilista! Guardate gli esempi reali di come la nostra protesi capillare può aiutarvi a ottenere una chioma più piena e naturale per i vostri clienti. 

Sfogliate la nostra galleria e immaginate le possibilità della vostra trasformazione ora!

hairline hair systems before and after new times hair
LACE FRONTAL Protesi Capelli
mens hair systems before and after new times hair
HOLLYWOOD Protesi Capelli in Lace
mens hair systems before and after new times hair (3)
D7-3 Protesi Capelli in Mono
mens hair systems before and after new times hair (2)
HOLLYWOOD Protesi Capelli in Lace
hs1 lace hair system before and after
HS1 Impianti Capelli in 0.08mm Pellicola
SUNNY 1b color swiss lace hair systems before and after new times hair
SUNNY Protesi Capillare in Lace Svizzero
HS1VC565 HG hair system before and after
HS1V Protesi Capelli Pellicola
SUNNY swiss lace hair systems before and after new times hair
SUNNY Protesi Capillare in Lace Svizzero
n6 hair system before and after
N6 Protesi Capelli in Lace Svizzero
sunny swiss lace hair system before and after
SUNNY Protesi Capillare in Lace Svizzero
INLACE-3 air system before and after
INLACE Impianto Capillare
hs27+ hair system before and after
HS27 Toupet Capelli in Mono
HOLLYWOOD lace hair system before and after (2)
HOLLYWOOD Protesi Capelli in Lace
HOLLYWOOD lace hair system before and after (3)
HOLLYWOOD Protesi Capelli in Lace
HS7 hair system before and after
HS7 Protesi Capelli in Lace Svizzero
hs7 hair system before and after (2)
HS7 Protesi Capelli in Lace Svizzero
Hollywood lace hair system before and after
HOLLYWOOD Protesi Capelli in Lace
Hollywood hair system before and after
HOLLYWOOD Protesi Capelli in Lace
sunny hair system before and after
SUNNY Protesi Capillare in Lace Svizzero
Customized Lace Front Toupee before and after
Patch Cutanea Frontale in Lace
HS1V C1A50 hair system before and after
HS1V Protesi Capelli Pellicola
HS1VP 40% Grey Hair hair system before and after
HS1VP Protesi per Capelli in Poly Skin
HS1V 1B frontal hair system before and after
HS1V Protesi Capelli in 0,06mm Pelle
hs1 hair system before and after
HS1 Impianti Capelli in 0.08mm Pellicola
HS1V 1A curled to 1.5 hair system before and after
HS1V Protesi per Capelli Ricci in Skin
D7-3 C1A hair system before and after
D7-3 Protesi Capelli in Mono
D7-3-DYF hair system before and after
D7-3-DYF Parrucchino in Mono